Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Starting to feel

I'm prepared to get very anxious in a couple weeks because school is about to start. But I am also very excited about school, new schedule, new house and new roommates. I'm gonna miss 806 Dean Keeton. I wonder if I'm finally gonna be able to settle down once I have my shit together after I graduate.

Fucking wanderlust! That darn wanderlust!

I feel wanderlust is too often taken advantage of and used as an excuse for immaturity.

I like to move around and inconvenience everybody (so says my parents). Diagnosis, wanderlust.

She likes to open her legs. Diagnosis, wanderlust.

He likes to switch majors and is costing his parents a fortune. You guessed it.

Pride. Selfishness. Wanderlust.

So I have no idea what I'm going to do today. Tracie is in Houston till this weekend. Jackson has an interview and a lot of work to do and made plans with John and his friends are coming into town and all of this stupid. I fear for my life sometimes because it's so intertwined in these people, these things, I don't know where I fall with respect to myself.

I like having my german friends around to keep my feet on the floor. And i know I'm gonna feel better when council starts back up. But goddammit I wish Pia weren't leafing. And I wish Alex wasn't gonna be gone. Really take a huge chunk out of the people I want to hang out with list.

When did I become so antisocial?
Ironically, probably when I stopped hanging out alone.

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